July 20, 2009

2 of 5

So as of today I am two of five for the five things I wanted to try and incorporate into my daily live! Wooooohoooo! So here you are folks, my second accomplishment. Now don't clap too loudly! :)

Disclaimer: I know you are not impressive with my bed or bedding OR stuff laying on the ground!

Tonight I made Swiss Chicken which I found on Kelly's Korner Recipe Blog! It was yummy, but didn't look so pretty so I passed on the picture taking. I also found all kinds of fun recipe blogs HERE that you should check out if you like to cook.

I have a question. What is your decorating style and what/where do you draw inspiration? I feel like Jake and I still live like we're college kids! Not because we necessarily want to, mainly because we rent and we aren't convinced that making good quality furniture investments is what we need to do right now considering once we finally do settle in our "home" what if things don't fit or we need shelves instead of a bookcase? So I need some advice, how do I make our current home feel more grown up and less college style. I just want to know about decorating styles because I don't have one and I want to get some ideas. Thanks!!!! Have a great Tuesday!

AND one last thing....Plato loves his rope toy (well it's actually Harli's rope toy). He'll go find it and then shake it in Harli's face while making funny noises. It's hilarious to watch.


  1. You should look through Kelly's Korner Home tours for ideas! There are lots to go through, but she had tons of people play along! =)
    I like your sunny background!!

  2. I used to love reading Domino magazine for decorating ideas, but they don't publish it any more :-(. Now, I love looking through Pottery Barn and IKEA catalogs for ideas.

    Instead of buying new furniture, why not go ahead and buy a fun new bed comforter? That way, you'd have something to transition from renting a place to owning a place and it's still relatively easy to move. And a new comforter can transform a room!! :-)

  3. Your blog looks beautiful Jonnie! Thanks for the inspiration on the chicken enchiladas the other night. They were yum. Neill loved them too!


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