March 10, 2010

My acceptance speech

I always like imagine the acceptance speech I would make if I ever won a big award, like an Oscar, or possibly a blog award!

(Shocked face).....there are honestly no words to describe how I feel right now! I want to thank the Academy, or Jamie at Jamie Unscripted and Jennifer at Dave and Jennifer Holland, for everything! I couldn't have done it without your support and being two of the five people who read my blog regularly. I feel like I owe a lot to my roots and where I grew up (Mena shout out)!

(Que tears) You have no idea how this award will change my life, how much it means to me. It makes all the hard work, blogging, seem worth it! So thank you, thank you for thinking of me. Thank you for the Sunshine Award! As all things good in life, you should pass them on......and so I will.

So thank you (drum roll, please)

1. Lauren at Under Construction - for always providing wisdom AND laughter.
2. Beautiful sister at Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - well basically thanks for being my sister, but also for posting pictures regularly of the most handsome baby in the WORLD. They always bring a smile to my face!
3. Ana at Knock Off Wood - your amazing and awesome!
4. The Pilot's Wife - L.o.v.e her blog!
5. Janie at How I got out of $26,000 of debt - you're hard work is inspiring.
6. Rachel at Rachel Sloan Photography - I love your love for furbabies.

Ok it was supposed to be 12, but hey I made it halfway. Thanks for the award Jamie and Jennifer!

What brings you joy lately? For me it's that this weekend is Daylight Savings. Massive amounts of sunshine here I come!

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