December 16, 2009

My best friends

This is Jamie.

(this photo was taken by the wonderful and talented Hudson Photography)

She is one of my best friends. We grew up together, went to the same college, and magically ended up with many of the same friends.

This is Rachel.

(again photo by Hudson Photography, they're amazing)

She is my other best friend! Although we didn't grow up together I feel like we did sometimes. We went to the same college and also have many of the same friends (including a best friend, Jamie)!

God must really love me because he gave me two wonderful people to be my best friends! They are both kind, smart, funny, and all around just amazing. I miss them so much everyday but I'm thankful for their continued close friendship and support! They will always be such a big part of my life and I wanted to take this time to make sure they knew, as well as the whole world! I miss you both oh so much and love you with all the love I can give! Thanks for being such great friends!

I can only hope you have such great friends in your life too.....which I'm sure you all do. So make sure to tell them how great they are!


  1. Jonnie, that is honestly the sweetest thing EVER. I miss you oh so much. Every day. I'm calling you tomorrow!!!!!!!

  2. Awww, that is very sweet! They are wonderful friends to have!

  3. You are the best. I am a bad blogger and haven't looked at your lately. What a fabulous post! I miss you too!!! :)


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