June 10, 2009

The baby is coming!!!!

My sister had a doctor's appointment on Monday and found out she was dilated to ONE!!! Wooohooo, the process has begun, well her doctor wanted her to come back on Wednesday (today). I received a call this morning from her with an update. Austin Steven Reid, hopefully will be here tomorrow!!! She is going to the hospital tomorrow to be induced, if by some rare chance nothing happens by 3, she and her doctor will re-evaluate the situation. However the doctor said he will come this week for sure, even if that means a C-section (which my sister would rather not have). Please pray for our family that he comes tomorrow happy and healthy! I can't wait to meet him! And I know she and her husband can't either. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself.

1 comment:

  1. That is SO exciting! I just said my prayers for everyone!


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