July 30, 2009

I lied!

Well according to my last post response there are only two of you that read my blog. Thank you, you two....you know who you are. I am crying as I type, while also drinking a beer. I guess some would say I'm drowning my sarrows. Just kidding, I'm just drinking a beer cause I can. Hope you all have a great Friday!!!!


  1. Awww. Don't cry Jonnie!

    I read you blog. I'm just usually too covered up in kids to comment.

  2. OMG with this pic! It's crazy!!

  3. :) If you're drinking something besides a Miller Lite, that's probably why you're crying!

  4. Crying, beer, computer - Jonnie step back from the computer! Next thing you know you will be typing up crazy emails sending them to people you don't mean to. Ha! Not that I know from expierience at all...

    Happy weekend my friend!

  5. Aw. Don't cry! I just found your blog and now you have a whole new follower!

  6. Ummm Hope I'm included in those 2!

  7. Hey I read it! I read it! I just didn't check it that day. Love ya!


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